I am posting the second time in two days!! The reason is I'd like to share with you how I keep track, log, whatever you call it, my copic markers. First of all I had those plastic boxes and I hated carrying them out to my work table. Just when you think you had it all, you had to go get the box with another color.
Plus, those plastic boxes are awkward to carry. This bag is well worth the investment.
I arrange mine alittle differently. I put all the E's in one, The the B's and BV's, Next the R's and YR. That is 3 of the six bags. I keep the C's and T's separately. The last 3 bags are the RV & V's, then the Y & YG. Lastly the G, and BG. Works for me.

This is MY record for the copics tht I have. It started out that I bought Neenah paper (Avalanche white) from Kelly paper in 13x19. It was a great buy! Anyway when I cut to size, I always had an extra strip left...So I was determined to use these strips. I cut lots of poinsettas dies, roses, vines, and snowflakes! Yup, Got lots of extras!
These strips of paper were perfect for the copics. Lay out the copics from the G0000 to G99... thats just an example. Use your colors, and I had left some space to fill in new colors. The convenience of these strips is fantastic! Just take a strip to the store and you won't buy the same thing twice. Take the strip to your paper room and match paper or your ink colors to your copics! So easy. Here is how I store the strips.

Someday I will decorate the cover.

Just plain old comp book.
Little pocket inside the front cover. I have little hair-coloring ideas in the pocket too. And as you will see, I tear out pages from the book, or glue pages together for stability. Goes back to the old 'altering' days!

This is the fun part. For nearly every project I do, I record what combination I use. Skin color, hair color, clothes and anything else. At first I just stamped a second image and (sort of) scribbled the color combo.
I finally had the 'AHA' moment when I realized I could copy the finished card and paste it in. Certainly did look nicer!
Be sure that this wasn't meant for anyone but me, so I didn't think to make my writing neat... . Sorry about that. I actually hope you like the idea.
Lastly, I did bigger sheets of cardstock for swatches of my distress inks so I could match them to paper or ribbon or flowers.
Thanks & Have Fun!
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